Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Musings

Good morning all!

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It's something sacred and wonderful about Sunday and I am not sure why but it just my favorite day.  I can remember running around the house as a child (and as an adult) to get ready for church (which was never a favorite for me - it was always a production).  My Mother would put my Father's clothes out for him, inspect what I had on, make breakfast, clean up, get dressed, do hair and make a mad dash to the car for an hour and a half worth of "preaching."  Sunday is the day before Monday and Monday means back to work for most of us so why would this be my favorite day?  I have no clue.

This Sunday stands out for me because it is Father's day.  My Father has been in spirit form for 17 years yet it seems just like yesterday to me.  My Father is a truly wonderful, gentle man (and yes I used present tense because he is always with me) and I love him.  So, Dad, wherever your Spirit form is - I love you and miss you!  Happy Father's Day to my Father!  And a very Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there.  Don't underestimate your worth and power.  If your children don't tell you they love you for awhile or if they utter that dreadful "I hate you" - keep loving them...they need you and you need them. I just LOVE this version.  I adore Lionel Ritchie!  Even though this song is about leaving - it is just so peaceful and beautiful.  This man's voice is amazing.  Here is a longer version (although not the version with Wille Nelson) -

Perhaps I love Sunday because biblical it is the day of rest and I honor that and myself.  Sunday is often a day of reflection for me - how did my week go, what does my upcoming week look like, what did I accomplish, what lessons did I learn?

During my adult years, Sundays have always had a nice, slow and relaxing routine for me.  I make sure that there is absolutely NOTHING I have to do on Sunday.  When my Daughter was an infant, Sunday morning was grocery store shopping.  I'd get her dressed we'd head to the grocery store.  That was my peace, my meditation and my time to connect to with her.  I always feel like Sunday is the ultimate relaxation day because everything mandatory has been done.  Sunday - is about me!   I can bake (which is what I am doing now), meditate, walk, relax, sleep late, sip coffee on the porch and rejuvenate.

I do believe in God but I don't frequently go to church, but I spent everyday in some form of worship - I don't have to set aside one day to praise, pray or recognize my Higher Power.

For the most part, I am alone.  My best friend in the entire world is home about once a month, so my routines are not set in stone - sometimes we attend church, sometimes we walk, sometimes I walk, sometimes I stay in bed all day, sometime we go to brunch, you get it.

I try to focus on my fledgling blog on Sunday too.  I have a chance to catch-up on any blogs I didn't have time to read earlier in the week and to just surf the Internet. This is the ultimate indulgence!

I am going to grab another cup of coffee and finish the pumpernickel bread and sit quietly with my thoughts until I feel the urge to do something else.

I leave you with this...The Secret of Life is enjoying the passage of time." - Enjoy your Sunday!

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