I wanted to share something that moved me today. Most of us get to bogged down and worked up in our own dramas that we do not take time to stop, smell the roses, relish the fragrance and begin thinking from a fresh perspective.
I received an email from a local restaurant today. I do not frequent this place as much as I used to (due to schedule demands and my location) but it has a soft spot in my heart. A great co-worker told me about this place over seven years ago and I have watched this place grow in popularity, size and location.
The restaurant owner is a phenomena – she is bubbly, fun, exciting, beautiful, loved, daring and just a great person. She places a basket of daily thoughts and affirmations (all printed on vibrant colored paper) at the front of her restaurant. There has not been a single time that I did not walk away with something that “spoke” to me. Most of the times, I depart with a soul warming soup, sandwich/salad, cookie, piece of fruit, drink and tears in my contemplative eyes. I would be exhilarated, I would smile and in that fleeting moment all was well.
Jenny challenges me to THINK, to meditate and above all to realize that we live in a powerful and friendly universe. Another challenge is to take what we feel in a moment, any given moment, when we feel hope, joy, peace, love and we feel as if we can conquer the world and that all our dreams can and will come true. The final challenge is to bring that feeling into existence ALL the time.
Going back to the first paragraph, it is so easy to allow ourselves to become downtrodden. To wallow in our sorrows, to allow these feelings to shape us and make us someone that we are not. We must remember – we are all children of a Higher Power/the God of our understanding and that means we are cared for, loved, protected and provided for. We must only believe.
Jenny is a consummate chef – she feeds and nourishes the body, the mind, the soul and the spirit.
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